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Chakra System: The Basic Seven


The chakra system is a fundamental diagram of not only our consciousness but everything in the universe. Consider the notes of a musical octave, or the colors of the rainbow, which mirror the chakras identically.

This system initially stemmed from multiple ancient Indian religions, potentially even earlier. They are specific points, often described as vortexes or wheels of energy that run all along our body. There are typically seven main points, but there are many systems that use 8, 9, 13 and others that employ hundreds of smaller chakra points all over our body.

The most common Chakra system is the primary seven, known as Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. These seven are also referred to by their Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna and Sahasrara. The addition of the Hara which is in-between the Sacral and Solar Chakras is often included in many energetic practices as well.

Chakras are both non-physical, energetic openings on our body, and physical representation of things in our life. Each chakra can represent a physical aspect of your life, as well as an emotional and spiritual issue as well.

Root is red; it is the base chakra located at the bottom of our spine. It represents the energy of survival, health, and other “essential-for-life” ideas such as sex and finances (represented by money, but deeper relative to resources). Root is about our foundation, which can translate to the physical reality, and blocked by fear, but opened by faith.

If we don’t have a stable housing situation, our root chakra may be off balance. It could also manifest as health issues or being out of touch with your body if you are not connected.  But holding a deeper understanding of yourself as a soul more than that of just your physical body you gain a deeper spiritual understanding, a faith in the higher you that will go on long after this life.  This understanding brings grounding and courage to face your fears and work up towards the next energy center.

The Sacral is orange, located in our pelvic area.  It represents emotion, our relationships, creativity, and passion. An open sacral chakra might look like a fully healthy relationship with your partner, or easily being in touch with your creative side while making art.

A closed sacral may manifest most often through guilt and can appear as having difficulty tapping into your inner passion, blocking your connections to your feelings and struggling to create what you love.

Your sacral can then be opened by acceptance and forgiveness of yourself and others around you, holding space to be patient with others and knowing that each person you meet will have something to teach you if you are open to learning!  You can gain balance in your actions your relationships by connecting with your sacral, and if you need additional energy or support at this level, you can always pull more faith up from your root!

The solar plexus is yellow and represents the origin of our willpower, courage, and drive.  This chakra is essential for pushing us forward in life.

An open solar plexus could look like having a natural drive to create and make your dreams come true. It is the forward motion that internally guides us. Shame most often blocks the solar plexus, and it stops us from being able to step into our power.

The solar plexus is opened then by pure intentioned willpower and the actions required on the physical plane that will move you towards creating your dreams. The solar plexus is a massive energy center and can burn away any remaining discomfort or possessiveness with its light!

The heart chakra is green, and it’s all about love! It is our compassion center, where we love from, and receive love back. Many people have blocked heart chakras because of the disharmonious energy in our world.  It’s easy to feel closed off to people when our global consciousness is still very much at war, both on an individual level, and among communities.

A heart blocked by grief will typically result in you to have trouble experiencing love, being empathic or compassionate to others, this is a sign of blocked heart chakra.

A great way to open the heart is to meditate on the feeling of your heart expanding and sending love to everyone in your life. Even those who have challenged you, hurt you or cause you suffering, see them as a lesson to learn to love even more profoundly.  Love and forgiveness will set you free.

The throat chakra is blue, and all about perfect expression, speaking and hearing the truth. This one is simple – if you feel scared or discouraged to speak up to those in your life, that is a sign of a throat chakra that has been blocked by a disconnection to your heart and the faith and energy from below.

Understanding your true power as something much more than a physical human is an essential step to opening your throat chakra. Exploring your expression is vital both individually and globally. Speaking up for yourself and making sure to listen just as well when others help bring this energy center into balance.

The third eye chakra is indigo, and represents our psychic or intuitive senses and being able to tap into the spiritual realm. A straightforward way to open this chakra is merely believing it’s possible to exist beyond physicality. If you can quickly feel other people’s energies, sensing their thoughts or emotions, this is a sign your third eye is open. The third eye blocked by illusion, and thus clarity of mind becomes the key to unblocking and revealing the authentic truth.

Finally, there is the crown, which radiates to the color of violet!  It is your ultimate connection to Source, God, The Universe – or whatever you want to call it.  It is the ability to tap into a higher consciousness that is, in the end, all of us. It is the understanding that we are all fundamentally one, and then the embodiment of that understanding. You will know your crown is open when you can look into the eyes of a stranger and see both God and yourself.


Basic Chakra Information:

Additional Research:

Reiki Research: