What do we know about the benefits of eating avocado?



The word “Avocado” is believed to be derived from the Nahuatl (Aztec), 'Ahuacatl,' which means “testicle.”  Many believed that avocado to be an aphrodisiac.  

The National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom, a balanced diet meal is essential for longer life.  Also, drinking enough water, sleep, a routine exercise of at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week is also necessary. 

There is another key to live longer and that is to eat a super fruit: avocado.  Why?


Here are the 15 health benefits why you might want to eat avocado as much as possible.


1.  Avocado Can Function As Aphrodisiacs

Yes, as was briefly mentioned above, the word avocado originated from the Aztec people and meant testicle. The reason behind this? Avocados were believed to be potent aphrodisiacs. Even though they are not true aphrodisiacs in the sense of the word, they were definitely on to something. Avocados are rich in saturated fat, which is vital in the synthesis of testosterone. It is no coincidence that modern diets that seek to restrict fat intake actively coincide with lowest testosterone levels, and with it, low sex drive. So indirectly, avocados are indeed aphrodisiacs.

2.  Hold Promise In Treating Arthritis

Chronic osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are both debilitating diseases that cause extreme discomfort to individuals that suffer from them. Though over the counter pain medication can offer short-term relief from symptoms, they can hardly be considered a permanent solution.  Enter the ever willing avocado, in whom we found a compound that could help offer relief from pain and inflammation of arthritic conditions. Though it is unclear how much you need to consume to see these effects, having an avocado per day could also support your efforts to relieve pain, as fat can help to cushion the tissue between joints.

3.  Helps With Diabetes Management

Diabetes control is severe, with not many foods offering decent support. Many people try to find better carbohydrate sources, but often that alone is insufficient. However, avocados are not your average carbohydrate heavy fruit, as they contain lots of good fat, which acts to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Since type 2 diabetics also have poor insulin sensitivities, it is a right course of action to slow down the speed of absorption to allow insulin a more significant time to process the carbs.

4.  Promote Skin Health

If you think you suffer from dry skin or think your skin health could be better, avocados can become your best friends. Avocados are loaded with skin-friendly fats, and the antioxidant vitamin C and vitamin E. vitamin C is also involved in the synthesis of collagen, ensuring that skin is kept looking healthy and supple for years to come. Fat in avocados helps reinforce the structural barrier of the skin to slow down the loss of moisture. 

5.  Avocados Can Help You Lose Weight

We all can probably do with a little bit of weight loss, so every single thing helps. When it comes to fat, many people are scared and misinformed. Fats will not necessarily cause you to gain weight, even though they yield more calories per gram when compared with the other macronutrients. Avocados, however, can help reduce your appetite and suppresses your overall caloric intake over the course of the day. Plus, when included in meals, you are likely to be satisfied for a far longer time, as opposed to having a meal without ample fat.

6.  Avocados Are Fiber Rich

Many people fail to get enough fiber in their diets today, for one reason or another. Frequently, it occurs as a result of eating too many processed foods, and not consuming enough whole foods. If you dislike vegetables, there is still hope. Avocados contain both of the essential fiber; soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber plays a vital role in supporting the microbiome of our gut, while insoluble fiber helps promote regularity. Both have important roles to play, so it is essential that you get both every day.

7.  Can Improve Cholesterol Profiles

Though eating a poor diet, compounded with low-quality fats and sugars is the fast way to developing heart disease, not all fats are bad. In fact, fats are essential and necessary for good health, including the health of your heart, and keeping cholesterol values normal. Regular consumption of avocados helps to improve the good aspect of your cholesterol, known as HDL, and lower the elements that you want to keep down, such as LDL and triglycerides. If you suffer from hyperlipidemia, it is a good idea to consume healthy fats such as avocados, while simultaneously reducing artificial fats and carbohydrates to see maximal benefit.

8.  Bolster Absorption of Plant-Based Nutrients

Though fruits and vegetables are extremely rich in nutrients, did you know that they can be sabotaged? Yes, in fact, they have a built-in sabotage mechanism, in the form of fiber. Though fiber is an integral part of your diet, it can become troublesome when it impairs absorption of the numerous phytochemicals found in plant foods. The best way to counter this? Consume good fat. By doing so, the fat acts as a carrier molecule, helping transport fat-soluble nutrients that would have otherwise gone to waste.  It explains the scenario of nutrient deficiency that occurs in people who restrict fat intake or are on primarily vegan diets.

9.  Good for Improving Eye Health

Avocados boost absorption of nutrients that are important to good health but are also rich in the eyes’ preferred anti-oxidants, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These anti-oxidants have demonstrated the ability to reduce the development of cataracts, slow down degeneration of the muscles and nerves of the eyes, and can improve night vision. These become even more important the older we get.

10.  Contain Essential Folic Acid

Folic acid is essential for DNA replication in all humans but is even more critical during pregnancy.   All women are recommended to consume a supplement enhanced with folic acid, but avocados are an excellent source.  Folic acid helps prevent the development of deformities in the womb, such as a condition called spina bifida.

11.  Promote Healthy Liver Function

The liver is one of your most important organs. Even though it is self-regenerating, that does not mean that you can take it for granted. The best way to support your hardworking liver is to help it function optimally. Avocados can help reduce symptoms of a fatty liver disease that are caused by elevated cholesterol and blood triglycerides as well.  Besides, avocados can boost the synthesis of the body’s most potent anti-oxidant glutathione to help safeguard you from free radicals.

12.  Avocados Can Prevent Bad Breath

Avocados contain flavonoids which combat bacterial and fungal overgrowth in the mouth, effectively reducing the likelihood of halitosis occurring. In that same vein, they can also help prevent festering of mouth ulcers.

13.  Promote Healing of Wounds

Avocados can help speed up the healing of wounds, by modulating immune system activity. Ensuring that recruitment occurs in a timely fashion helps overall healing by cutting down recovery time.

14.  Avocado Can Promote Good Mood

Thanks once again to its folic acid density, avocados can counter the effects of the compound homocysteine. Homocysteine depletes the production of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters which promote a sense of well-being.

15.  Promote Bone Health

Bone tissue requires the minerals calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and Vitamin D and Vitamin K for proper formation. Avocados contain all these nutrients but in particular Vitamin K, which is not in many foods. Regular consumption of avocados, along with exercise, will promote healthy bone density.


The question of many is how many avocados does a person need to achieve this?  The right amount of avocados to eat each week is about four (4) avocados according to what the nutritionist stated.


Don't know how to start?  

Here are 53 Avocado Recipes, so you eat as much as if as possible.